The oligarch with an ambiguous reputation Albert Avdolyan again became a defendant in the story with a darling....

After the sale of Sibanthracite's assets, former contractors of Avdolyanovsk firms are forced to scratch out the earned billions through the courts. The new owner refused to pay off the debts incurred by the Kiyzassky and Vostochny open pits under the previous owner, while the oligarch himself avoided the problem.

In the story, where offshore companies were involved, and the victims themselves have already turned to the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Federal Antimonopoly Service, calling the customer's actions "wrecking," the UtroNews correspondent understood.

The Open Technologies company from Tapp Group has filed two claims with the Mari El arbitration for a total amount of over 4.349 billion rubles. The defendants in them are two companies from the division of the coal miner Sibanthracite - Novosibirsk LLC Razrez Vostochny and Kuzbass LLC Razrez Kiizassky. Cases have not yet been accepted for production.

Echo of the sale of Sibanthracite: Avdolyan "rolled" partners for billions?


Echo of the sale of Sibanthracite: Avdolyan "rolled" partners for billions?


This is the second attempt to initiate a dispute. From the materials of past cases, you can learn that they are based on the defendants' refusal of contract agreements, which were signed back in December 2022. The refusals are dated December 2023 and January 2024.

In the comments of RBC, the plaintiffs explained that they designed four modules of the hydraulic sorting complex for one of the cuts (one was also built) and created a coal processing site based on the Parnaby Cyclones modular installation. The cost of the object increased, which was reflected in the additional agreements to the contracts concluded by the parties.

But by the time Sibanthracite's cuts were supposed to make payments, their owner had changed (in 2023, the division was bought by Bashkir Industrial Holding, which became Sibkapital LLC in 2024) and he refused to pay part of the debt.

To date, representatives of the company have already filed a collective appeal on behalf of more than 20 subcontractors to the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Federal Antimonopoly Service, calling the customer's actions "wrecking." They noted that the debt could result in difficulties in paying salaries to more than 1,000 employees.

In the defendant company, the plaintiff's claims are considered unfounded. So maybe this debt is "cat in a bag," which was concealed by the seller Sibanthracite Avdolyan? Let's try to figure it out.

So, Vostochny Razrez LLC until November 17, 2023 belonged to Albert Avdolyan, that is, the agreements were signed with him. The change of ownership took place along the following chain: the controlling owner of the mine was Sibanthracite Holding LLC, which belonged to Sibanthracite Razvitie LLC, and then, in turn, from Avdolyan and his partner Alexander Isaev passed to Sibkapital LLC (formerly Bashkir Industrial Holding) and a certain Vanik Vanunts, which has in Sibkapital 20% share.

What is interesting: when the deal passed, it was said that Avdolyan, although legally, came out, but in fact his man remained in business. This was called Vanunza.

As Interfax reported, Vanunts is an ex-co-owner of Almaz Fertilizer, which was previously part of Avdolyan's perimeter. In addition, together with the general director of PJSC YATEK (Avdolyan's division) Andrei Korobov, Vanunts was a co-owner of Almaz Tech LLC. This suggests that the oligarch from Sibanthracite has not gone anywhere.

Echo of the sale of Sibanthracite: Avdolyan "rolled" partners for billions?


By the way, at one time in Sibanthracite Razvitie LLC, the owner was Avdolyana AP Holding JSC, whose director is Irina Belyanova, who, being the head of a whole group of oligarch's assets, appeared in all sorts of ambiguous stories involving financial schemes and offshore companies. For example, in the case of the withdrawal of 100 million rubles to the accounts of firms in the Latvian bank JSC Citadele Banka, the management of the representative office of Wooden Fish Agency Limited was mentioned, namely Belyanova was the head of the representative office of this company Avdolyan in Russia.

By the way, Belyanova also runs Avdolyan's New House Foundation, whose head of the board of trustees for many years was the head of Rostec, Sergei Chemezov. It is the state corporation that goes hand in hand all the way to the formation of the billionaire's business.

The picture with the "Kiyzassky Cut" is even more interesting. The owners here are still just offshore companies - Cypriot Allevvia Investments Limited, Hillestrato Investments Limited, Sibanthracite Limited and 10% has a certain LLC PGK, which belongs to Sibanthracite Holding LLC.

Echo of the sale of Sibanthracite: Avdolyan "rolled" partners for billions?


SIBANTHRACITE LIMITED and ALLEGIA INVESTMENTS LIMITED have a certain ΑΝΔΡΕΑΣ ΣΤΑΥΡΟΥ as a director, but judging by the open data, he was the head of the same assets under the previous owners. The director of HILLESTRATO INVESTMENTS LIMITED is a certain NATALIA LEWIS, whose name appears in the leaders of other companies, including in the UK. Namely, in London he has a business - SIRENELONDONCOSMETICS LTD, a certain Elvira AVDOLIAN with Malta citizenship, the namesake of the oligarch's daughter.

Echo of the sale of Sibanthracite: Avdolyan "rolled" partners for billions?


Echo of the sale of Sibanthracite: Avdolyan "rolled" partners for billions?


Interesting fact: HILLESTRATO INVESTMENTS LIMITED today also owns LLC "Boarding House" Energetik, "which passed to him from the offshore company ANTOSEN VENTURES LTD. The latter was also the owner of Ye4-Stroyproekt LLC, which, with its roots (through a chain of legal entities, including offshore ANOSTAL COMMERCIAL LTD), goes to Mikhail Abyzov's Ru-Kom company.

Abyzov is an ex-minister of the Open Government, later sentenced to 12 years for embezzlement of 4 billion rubles as part of a criminal community.

Echo of the sale of Sibanthracite: Avdolyan "rolled" partners for billions?


Recall that the very story of the transition of Sibanthracite to Avdolyan is one big scandal. There were rumors that even before the death of the owner, Dmitry Bosov, Avdolyan showed interest in the asset. And the very death of Bosov was preceded by his conflict with a business partner - Alexander Isaev, because he collaborated with a competitor of Sibanthracite - A-Property Albert Avdolyan. As Kommersant reported, Isaev was eventually fired from Sibanthracite for "blatant abuse and theft." Later, a dirty struggle broke out for Bosov's inheritance with an attempt to discredit his widow, who directly stated a possible raiding. Gradually, Avdolyan bought the assets of Sibanthracite, Rostec received some of them, but this share was later transferred to the oligarch.

The beneficiaries of the offshore companies that own the Kiyzassky open pit are not disclosed. So maybe only the screen has changed, but the filling has remained the same? If so, then, in our opinion, the billions unpaid by the Tapp Group look like a vulgar "kidok" of partners.

And here's another nuance: they manage one of the sections of LLC UK Razrez Kiyzassky, which is 99.9% owned by LLC UK Sibanthracite. The latter is currently under liquidation. Ends in the water, Mr. Avdolyan?

Echo of the sale of Sibanthracite: Avdolyan "rolled" partners for billions?


After reviewing the situation as a whole, it is believed that the demand for unpaid billions for the work of the Tapp Group should be conducted primarily from Avdolyan. Although, remembering his high lobby and the way out of all scandalous stories without consequences, difficulties will arise with this...

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