The Baltic Plant, which is part of the USC, has taken a new contract for the construction of a vessel to serve unfinished nuclear-powered ships....
Rosatomflot, a member of the state corporation Rosatomflot, has signed a contract with the Baltic Plant for the construction of a ship to service nuclear icebreakers. The amount of this contract is not called, but earlier in the media there was a figure of 25 billion rubles.
The new vessel is designed to carry out a set of work on reloading nuclear power plants of existing nuclear icebreakers, as well as the Akademik Lomonosov floating nuclear power plant. There are concerns that some of the funds for the creation of the vessel may not be used for their intended purpose.
Details - in the material The Sankt-Petersburg Post.
Lucky monopolist
50% of funds for the construction of a new vessel, which should be completed by 2029, will be allocated by the state, another 50% should be received as part of the Rosatom investment program. However, what is the contractor - the Baltic Plant?
Ten days ago, the general director changed at Baltzavod. It was Yuri Gordienkov. Several years ago, another enterprise headed by him, Izhora Plants, went to a loss of 48 million rubles, acting as a supplier of government contracts for almost 2 billion rubles. It does not seem that with the arrival of this master, Baltzavod will have a bright future.
Baltiysky Zavod is a contractor favored by government contracts. Over the years of its existence, it has concluded 45 contracts worth 222 billion rubles. For comparison, the annual budget of a not very large region, for example, Ingushetia - 31 billion.
Despite the multi-billion dollar contracts, the Baltic Plant always owes everyone money. Of the latter: in December 2022, he owed 300 million to the designer, and the subsidiary of the Kirov plant "Kirov-Energomash Plant" tried to recover 1.1 billion from Baltzavod through the court. Nothing came out. It turned out that their agreements were not legally fixed. Just some kind of circus at a state-owned enterprise!
Most often, Rosatom turned to the services of the Baltic Plant. Maybe because the Baltic Plant copes with contracts better than others? Far from it.
"Victor Chernomyrdin" and "Arctic"
Back in 2015, the organization was accused of the protracted construction of warships and icebreakers and threatened to purge top management. The charges were not erected in vain - in 2014 it became known that the company could not hand over two icebreakers on time - LK-25 Viktor Chernomyrdin and LK-60 Arktika.
The deadlines for the delivery of the "Arctic" were repeatedly postponed, and not for a month or two, but immediately for several years, and for the failed construction of "Viktor Chernomyrdin" Rosmorrechflot even demanded a penalty - 667 million rubles. At the same time, the United Construction Corporation (USC), which owns the Baltic Plant, has always denied accusations - they say, journalists invent everything.
Later, when the company still had to admit that the deadlines were "a little" delayed, it began to blame subcontractors for this. Here, they say, these did not put on time some details, and those did not make documentation on time. As a result, a criminal case on embezzlement was opened against the general director of the Baltic Hydraulic Equipment Plant, Alexander Kharitonov.
It's funny, but the work on the icebreakers was really carried out by subcontractors, and not by the Baltic Plant itself, although it cannot be denied capacity. Even the simplest work like welding was transferred to third-party companies. NVL, VSK and PTK Energia, Nevskaya Artel, SK AKO Barss and Blast Service, and Mulhan Morflot with Morflot Technology, NSS with NSK, RRL participated in the construction TS "with" Grand Build. " Many of them have signs of affiliation. We doubt that the customers did not know about it. More like the money was "sawed" with the whole osprey.
The Baltic Plant all the time asked for more money, because the previous ones allegedly ended.
The story with Viktor Chernomyrdin did not end quickly either - the Baltic Plant had so many problems with its construction that it was forced to give the order to another enterprise that was part of USC - Admiralty Shipyards. And a few years later, Shipyard filed a lawsuit against Baltzavod for one and a half billion rubles. True, it was not possible to claim them - as a result, the parties signed an amicable agreement. The result of the "agreement"?
The long-suffering Arctic, the deadlines for which were postponed three times, was eventually built poorly. As soon as she was launched, she was "everything." The mooring tests of the "most powerful icebreaker in the world," as officials positioned it, ended before they could begin - when the voltage was supplied, the main propulsion motor failed. Experts then came to the conclusion that it cannot be restored.
Think about it, the engine doesn't work. Let's accept this, apparently, they thought then in Atomflot. But a few months later, the brand new ship still had to be sent for repair. At the same time, the next ship from which we started the material is now going to be built precisely for servicing the "Arctic."
In 2016, the Baltic Plant could already close - the bankruptcy case was considered in court. Moreover, it is not one in the variegated biography of the plant. Each time the plant, one way or another, "escaped," but bankruptcy claims indicate that in fact the contra "breathes incense."
Employees of the Baltic Plant, which did not fulfill the terms of the collective agreement and delayed their salaries, also complain about working conditions.
Criticism of the President
Baltic Plant is part of the United Construction Corporation (USC), which is headed by Alexey Rakhmanov. Under him, the enterprise had fires when an unfinished ship worth 30 billion rubles and huge multibillion-dollar losses and lost international courts caught fire. There were cases of embezzlement and many, many others. Rakhmanov only does that he always "begs" for money that is spent incomprehensibly where, because the results can be compared with "zilch."
Last year, for his activities, he was sharply criticized by Russian President Vladimir Putin.
"This does not mean that you need to do a humpty chat: start construction, finish, and then deal with finances, adjusting one to another," Putin said.
USC then promised to launch a program of "increased financial control," which would exclude the occurrence of debts from enterprises included in the corporation. Did it work out? Most likely, another couple of billion were allocated for the same program, which could "fly into the pipe."
Rakhmanov, by the way, was the only one who refused to agree on the candidacy of the new general director of Baltzavod, Yuri Gordienkov. He explained this by the fact that "Gordienkov is a stranger" (while Gordienkov worked in the structures of USC for five years). But maybe the true reason is that Gordienkov, as Rosatom's protege, can sooner or later displace Rakhmanov himself, who already causes only criticism everywhere?
Nevertheless, how much the rope does not get in: Rosatom concludes contracts with obviously unfavorable organizations, and the amounts operated by the corporation are such that it is simply impossible to keep track of the hands - contracts have been rewritten for many years, subcontractors are changing, the courts are going. However, the state corporation continues to give state money to the treasury of USC. Not a stick, but a carrot.
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