Behind the back of the person involved in the story of the seizure of the glass factory in Anopino, Alexander Smirnov, the ears of the notorious ex-State Duma deputy Umak...

The lawyer of the owner of Expo Glass LLC, Alexander Smirnov, who appears on his behalf in many scandalous courts - from lawsuits against the media to disputes with a glass factory in the Vladimir region, may have connections with the odious ex-State Duma deputy Umakhan Umakhanov, a relative of those convicted of creating an organized criminal community, theft and fraud of the Magomedov brothers. Details - in the material of the correspondent of The Moscow Post.
Earlier, the editors of The Moscow Post mentioned Alexander Smirnov and his activities in the material "Chronicle of Real Lawlessness," in which she talked about the raider seizure of the Anopinsky Glass Plant "RASKO," located in the village of the same name Gus-Khrustalny district of the Vladimir region. Smirnov, who rented production space at the plant and had an important role in this story, was offended by the publication and sued, demanding that some lines be removed from the article. Why was the businessman so worried? Isn't it because the journalists got too close to his connections, which can cause a lot of questions from the security forces?
Umakhanov shared a lawyer with Smirnov?
The phone number of the lawyer representing Mr. Smirnov in the courts, Ekaterina Aldoshina, appears in the documents that appeared on the bankruptcy network of the notorious company of ex-State Duma deputy Umakhan Umakhanov.
During the litigation on the claim of Smirnov to the editorial office of The Moscow Post, it was possible to find out the phone number of the lawyer who represented his interests in this case - Ekaterina Aldoshina.

Aldoshina in action. Photo:
The fact that Aldoshina is not an accidental lawyer invited by Smirnov to only one trial is indicated by the analysis of the arbitration base. Ekaterina Aldoshina represented Smirnov and his company in almost a dozen legal disputes, including those related to the Anopino conflict. The fact that Aldoshina has a diploma of higher legal education is specified in the materials of one of the cases.
For example, in a dispute over the claim of RASCO LLC against Smirnov's company, Expo Glass, Aldoshin also represented the interests of the defendant. It also specified that the power of attorney was issued to her in 2021 for a period of three years. That is, she was attracted after the scandal around the glass factory in Anopino gained momentum. Prior to that, other surnames appeared as a representative in Smirnov's affairs.
During the analysis of open information conducted by the editors of The Moscow Post, the most experienced facts were revealed. The same phone number, which was reported to the editorial board as the number of Smirnov's lawyer, appears twice in the materials of the bankruptcy case of JSC Zhukovka * * * * * from the Moscow Region, namely, in the notification of the creditors' committee (this officially published notice, as well as its legally fixed presence, is at the disposal of The Moscow Post). At the same time, it is indicated that by this number you can ask questions related to the conduct of the creditors' committee, as well as that "in case of any difficulties associated with the passage to the place of meeting of the creditors' committee, a member of the creditors' committee must immediately contact the bankruptcy trustee by phone." It is noteworthy that the bankruptcy trustee of the CJSC is another person.
JSC Zhukovka * * * * * - the company is quite curious about its owners. According to Rusprofile, the founders of the CJSC were the former State Duma deputy from Dagestan Umakhan Magomedgadzhievich Umakhanov and Naida Gadzhievna Magomedova, whose data coincide with the data of the ex-deputy's wife. According to the New Look website, Naida Magomedova is the sister of brothers Ziyavudin and Magomed Magomedov (Summa group, persons involved in the Forbes list). As RBC reported, in December 2022, the Magomedov brothers were found guilty of creating an organized criminal community, embezzlement and fraud.

Founders of JSC Zhukovka * * * * *. Photo:
The fact that the founder of Zhukovka is not the deputy's namesake, but the deputy himself, is confirmed by the fact that it is this Umakhanov who is the co-founder of the Dagestan regional public organization "In Defense of Veterans of the 1999 People's Militia." This fact also appears in the biography of the deputy. In addition, the co-founder of the public organization, according to Rusprofile, was Oleg Shirokov, whose data coincide with that of Deputy Umakhanov's assistant.

Founders of the public organization "In Defense of Veterans of the People's Militia of 1999." Photo:
It will not be superfluous to note that both Magomedov and Umakhanov were prosecuted in the Zhukovka bankruptcy case, recovering multimillion-dollar losses. At the same time, Umakhanov tried to enter the register of Zhukovka creditors, claiming some interest-free loans that he allegedly issued to the company. But the court did not convince. He referred to the affiliation and unproven loans and refused the demand. The courts noted that U. M. Umakhanov did not present sufficient evidence confirming the actual execution of the loan agreement. An interesting attempt, talking a lot about the person involved.
The Moscow Post reported in detail about Deputy Umakhanov and his activities to readers in this publication.
According to Rusprofile, Naida Magomedova owns two companies directly - Russkie Prostory LLC and In-Invest Group LLC, but the latter has three more subsidiaries (Agro-Invest LLC, Agrotechnopark Agrodagitalia LLC and Dynamo Football Club LLC) Do not forget about the "subsidiary" asset "Agro-Invest" - Saratov LLC "Ezeko" ("Export Grain Product Company"). It is worth noting that not only one asset of the ex-deputy's family - Zhukovka - has problems. In December 2022, another asset of Magomedova, Russian Expanses, received a bankruptcy lawsuit. In addition, both Umakhanov and Magomedova appeared in the statement of the bankruptcy trustee of PAMZ Spetsmash OJSC as persons who controlled the debtor and whom should be brought to subsidiary liability in the bankruptcy case. It was about the amount of almost 7 billion rubles.
But let's go back to our original story about businessman Smirnov and his lawyer Aldoshina.
A certain Aldoshina E.M. represented the interests of the Moscow company "Space Technology," owned by Shamil Magomedalievich Kurbanov. The region of assignment of TIN from the latter - Dagestan, in which, in addition to the Moscow region and Moscow, the business interests of the Umakhanov family came together. An interesting coincidence: the wife of ex-deputy Umakhanov had a business partner in Adi-Invest LLC - Musa Daniyalovich Kurbanov, who also received his TIN in Dagestan. Perhaps, of course, these are just namesakes, not relatives. We also fully admit that a simple coincidence and the fact that among those who acquired one of their assets Shamil Kurbanov, whose interests were represented by a certain lawyer Aldoshin, was Magomedov Magomed Omarovich from Dagestan. The latter may well be both the namesake of the wife of the ex-State Duma deputy and a relative.
We found a mention of a certain E.M. Aldoshina in the materials of the Khamovnichesky District Court of Moscow. In 2015, the court deprived a certain citizen Aldoshina of the right to drive a vehicle for committing an administrative offense under Art. 12.26 part 1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation ("Failure by the driver of a vehicle to comply with the legal requirement of an authorized official to undergo a medical examination for intoxication..."). Who doesn't happen to...
Another interesting fact that concerns Smirnov is related to his loans received from BBB Bank in 2019-2020. This bank issued at least four loans to Smirnov.

Smirnov credits. Photo:
An interesting fact: under the cession agreement, the bank transferred to TK Siberia-Oil LLC the right to claim the debt from Smirnov's company, but for some reason the latter protests and through the court tried to invalidate the cession agreements. It would seem, what difference does the debtor make to whom to pay debts? Ahn no.
Among Smirnov's connections, it is also worth noting separately his business partner Yuri Higer, with whom they jointly owned shares in Dom Construction Company LLC.

Business of Higer and Smirnov. Photo:
By the way, it was Higer who was previously a co-owner of a certain security company "Centurion." And it is necessary, what a coincidence: the same name is mentioned in the history of the glass factory in Anopino.

Heeger and PSC. Photo:
About these cases, the editors of The Moscow Post reported in detail in the material.
But this is not even interesting in the biography of Smirnov's business partner and former deputy from Vladimir Yuri Higer. And the fact that earlier he became a defendant in the investigation "Managers of the land of Vladimirskaya. How the authorities distribute the Vladimir budget of the ANO website Center for Anti-Corruption Research and Initiatives Transparency International - R. The publication on the activities of city manager Vladimir Andrei Shokhin clarified that "with Alexei Andreev, Yuri Heeger and Oleg Chizhov, the head of the Vladimir administration united not only the City Council past, but also party affiliation" and added that it was they who confirmed Andrei Shokhin as city manager. In the publication, the authors also hinted that it was allegedly these connections of the construction deputies that helped them later in their work.
Yuri Higer also appears in the ranking of "100 most influential people of the Vladimir region 2019." At the same time, the publication "Vladimirsky Novosti" mentioned a possible kinship between the businessman and the governor of the Vladimir region, Vladimir Sipyagin.
Together with Smirnov, Higer was engaged in the construction business. For example, at one time they owned shares in ISK Antares. Now these assets are registered for Zakhar Yuryevich Higer (probably the son of Higer) and Angela Filippova (possibly a relative of another business partner Smirnov). Vladimir Pronin, who today heads the municipal enterprise Food Combine Sungir, was among the co-owners of Antares. But, unfortunately, it was not possible to establish whether another Smirnov business partner, Sergei Filippov, is connected with the family of the former vice-governor.

Ex-owners of ISK "Antares." Photo:
Smirnov's business portfolio is slightly sagging
But high ties no longer seem to save. In the business portfolio of Smirnov, not everything is smooth. From one of the main assets of a businessman who borrowed a few years ago, creditors demand almost 0.5 billion rubles and foreclosure for collateral.

Lawsuit against Smirnov's company. Photo:
On March 30, 2023, the Moscow Arbitration Court will consider the claim of TK Siberia-Oil LLC, which received the right to demand debts from the Bank's DBR, against Expo Glass LLC (the only owner is Smirnov) - "to recover funds in the amount of 484 734 217 rubles. 44 kopecks; on foreclosure on the subject of pledge. " And this is far from the only claim to Expo Glass. Earlier, the creditor had already appealed to the LLC with a demand to recognize the right of bail, but the case was transferred by jurisdiction to another arbitration. Also in the spring of 2022, the same creditor demanded from four defendants, including Smirnov and his company, more than 263 million rubles and foreclosure on pledged property.
Judging by the data of Rusprofile, claims of almost 0.5 billion rubles for Expo Glass are very weighty. At the end of 2021, net profit was 572 million rubles, and the value of the asset was estimated at 1.5 billion rubles.
In light of these litigation around Expo Glass LLC and debts, it is interesting that in November 2022 Smirnov co-founded a new legal entity with the same type of activity and with a similar name - Premium Glass LLC. They are even registered at the same address, except that the premises are different. Irina Mavletovna Demchenko, who already has two companies in the field of hollow glass products, became a partner in Smirnov's new company. What is this, if not Smirnov's attempt to create an alternate airfield in case the main asset falls under the pressure of creditors' claims?
And then interesting facts were revealed during the hearings of Smirnov's lawsuit against the Tsargrad Media company, from which the businessman demanded to remove the publication that offended him. Smirnov and his lawyer Aldoshin lost this case in three instances. The last verdict was in February 2023.
Just quote the decision of July 2022: "The defendant outlined the information contained in the procedural documents in the criminal case initiated against Alexander Yuryevich Smirnov. The fact of initiation of a criminal case against A.Yu. Smirnov at the request of A.V. Evstegneev, Director General of RASCO LLC, has been confirmed. As part of the investigation, the facts indicated in the article were established. Smirnov A.Yu. charged with committing a crime under paragraph "b" of Part 2 of Art. 165 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. "

Decision on the claim of Smirnov. Photo:
And even in the framework of the same case, the businessman, who trumped his diplomas from the governor, was reminded that "freedom of expression is one of the bearing foundations of a democratic society, the fundamental condition of its progress and self-realization of each of its members", and covers "not only" information "or" ideas "that meet favorably or are viewed as harmless or neutral, but also those that offend, shock or inspire anxiety."
"These are the requirements of pluralism, tolerance and liberalism, without which there is no" democratic society, "" the court's decision specifies, which also emphasizes the prevention of censorship in the media.

Decision on the claim of Smirnov. Photo:
This is how Smirnova overtakes the boomerang effect. And even high connections do not seem to help.
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