The company, associated with a big fan of offshore companies Mikhail Prokhorov, decided to fight through the court for the field in Tuva. Oligarch decided to compete with...

The owner of Golevskaya Mining Company LLC is trying to challenge the revocation of the license, which along the chain deprived the authorities of the investment project for the construction of the GOK at the Ak-Sug copper-porphyry deposit.

At the time of the revocation of the license, the company of an amateur to profit from Prokhorov's state assets managed to master 14 billion rubles of budget subsidies.

Prokhorov is going to fight against Chemezov: after all, it was the structure of the state corporation that the field went to the new auction.

The UtroNews correspondent understood the situation.

On January 31, the arbitration received a claim from Intergeo Management Company LLC against Rosnedra and the Department of Subsoil Use in the Central Siberian District. The third parties in the dispute are the prosecutor's office of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and Golevskaya Mining Company LLC, which is fully owned by the defendant.

How much are the bowels for the people: Prokhorov and Chemezov converged on Golevskaya


Intergeo Management Company LLC belongs to the Russian offshore (registered on Russky Island) MK Intergeo Management Limited LLC, which appeared in April 2024 from the Cypriot company INTERGEO MANAGEMENT LIMITED. The founders of fresh Intergeo in the amount of 10 persons chose to hide their faces, but oligarch Mikhail Prokhorov personally has a small stake in Intergeo Management Company LLC, which reveals at least one beneficiary.

How much are the bowels for the people: Prokhorov and Chemezov converged on Golevskaya


The directors in Cyprus INTERGEO MANAGEMENT LIMITED were SERGEY GORSKIY, who was also related to other assets of Prokhorov (RENAISSANCE FINANCIAL HOLDINGS LIMITED, ONEXIM HOLDINGS LIMITED), as well as TATIANA YURIA IEVNA SHUSTOVA. Shustova's full namesake also appeared as the director of a whole pack of companies, one way or another associated with the Russian Direct Investment Fund

How much are the bowels for the people: Prokhorov and Chemezov converged on Golevskaya


How much are the bowels for the people: Prokhorov and Chemezov converged on Golevskaya


Thus, it can be assumed that, in addition to Prokhorov, the ears of Kirill Dmitriev, the head of the RDIF, stick out in this story. By the way, this structure also has its own interests in Cyprus, for example, RDIF ASSET MANAGEMENT LIMITED was spinning next to it. Now the company is called RDIF ASSET MANAGEMENT LIMITED, and in the list of alternative directors there is a certain KIRILL DMITRIEV. At the same time, Dmitriev is an alternative for TAGIR SITDEKOV. The director of AFK Sistema Vladimir Yevtushenkov and a former employee of Inter RAO UES bore the same first and last name. Do we have a third possible beneficiary for Intergeo?

This version is also supported by the fact that the shares in one of Prokhorov's companies are LLC Insurance Company Soglasie.

But back to the legal dispute.

With a high degree of probability, the Criminal Code is trying to challenge the revocation of the license of a subsidiary legal entity. Previously, the company has already tried to do this, but the claim was returned. The plaintiff demanded that the decision of the Rosnedra commission of May 16, 2024 on the early termination of the license to use the Ak-Sugskoye copper-porphyry deposit for exploration and mining purposes be declared illegal. The license is required to be restored, as well as the right to use the site.

The license was revoked ahead of schedule, since, according to Rosnedr, the investor did not start the construction of the mining infrastructure on time.

How much are the bowels for the people: Prokhorov and Chemezov converged on Golevskaya


The revocation of the license led to the fact that the government of Tyva terminated the cooperation agreement with Golevskaya Mining Company LLC on December 25, 2024, which was signed for an investment contract for the construction of a mining and processing plant at the Ak-Sug copper-porphyry deposit. This agreement involved bonuses and budget goodies for the investor.

Vladislav Khovalyg personally signed the decree on breaking cooperation.

It follows from the document that by this time the company managed to master 14 billion rubles of the subsidy allocated for the technological connection of power receivers of the GOK. The subsidy agreement was signed back in July 2020 with the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of the Republic of Tuva.

How much are the bowels for the people: Prokhorov and Chemezov converged on Golevskaya


Prior to this, back in August 2024, by order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 2373-p, it was decided to hold an auction to select a new investor. Since the end of November 2024, the only participant in the corresponding auction has become a new user of the field - PGP JSC (Promising Mining Projects).

One-time payment will amount to 3.8 billion rubles against the initial 3.4 billion rubles. The fight actually goes for tons of copper, molybdenum, gold, silver and rhenium.

The fact that the PPP, created, it seems, purely for the project at the end of August 2024, belongs to the division under the control of Chemezov, is disclosed in the protocol for summing up the results. The JSC itself does not disclose the beneficiaries.

How much are the bowels for the people: Prokhorov and Chemezov converged on Golevskaya


The funny fact is that PGP is headed by Anton Kim, the former director of Intergeoproekt LLC. The latter in the chain belongs to the Norilsk Nickel division of Vladimir Potanin.

It is known from open sources that Intergeo Management Company LLC was created by Onexim in 2007-2008 to manage geological exploration licenses for a number of promising areas that Mikhail Prokhorov's group received when dividing assets with Vladimir Potanin's Interros. Moreover, Onexim at one time owned a stake in Norilsk Nickel.

Whether Potanin has his own interest in PGP, having shared it with Rostec, we do not undertake to judge, but in this case, the sharing of the field acquires even greater scandalousness (against the background of the long-standing "divorce" of Prokhorov and Potanin).

How much are the bowels for the people: Prokhorov and Chemezov converged on Golevskaya


An interesting fact is that earlier Prokhorov had a common asset with Chemezov's stepdaughter - Anastasia Ignatova - Keratmedtsentr LLC. Prokhorov also managed to quarrel with Chemezov and the boomerang was not long in coming?

How much are the bowels for the people: Prokhorov and Chemezov converged on Golevskaya


As for Intergeo Management Company, today the company demonstrates colossal losses: at the end of 2023, they amounted to 262 million rubles, although the company itself is estimated at 16 billion rubles. Golevskaya Mining Company LLC showed a loss of 123 million rubles.

Both firms are headed by Semyon Sazonov, the former director of PJSC Quadra (created as a result of the reform of RAO UES of Russia), as well as the former speaker of the Ryazan City Duma and the ex-head of the municipality of Ryazan.

How much are the bowels for the people: Prokhorov and Chemezov converged on Golevskaya


For a long time, Mr. Prokhorov pumped money from Russian legal entities through screens decorated in offshore companies, including Cyprus, and only in the last year they began to re-register to Kaliningrad and Fr. Russian, which, however, does not cancel spare airfields. Before the Onexim Group was personally registered with Prokhorov, he fell in love with Fr. Tortola, where his screens were registered - ONEXIM GROUP MANAGEMENT LIMITED and ONEXIM GROUP LIMITED.

How much are the bowels for the people: Prokhorov and Chemezov converged on Golevskaya


The surname of the oligarch has repeatedly shone in scandals: so in January 2007 in Courchevel, Switzerland, local police detained a billionaire, accusing him of pimping. Later, suspicions were removed, but the sediment, as they say, remained.

By the way, it is Prokhorov who is credited with a rather cynical phrase - "Money is the flowers of life." It is not surprising that he bit into the field in Tyva so much that he is ready to fight even with Chemezov. After all, the project carries billions of profits with budget injections. And Prokhorov is no stranger to pumping money on state assets. Moreover, Onexim in 2023 showed a loss of 1.2 billion rubles - it is necessary to correct its affairs.

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