Oligarch Pavel Te created a hotel in the resort of Gref and pulls up ex-Senator Moshkovich?...

Details - in the material of the correspondent UtroNews.

In March 2024, Pavel Te Holding Development LLC established the Altai Albergo hotel LLC in the Maiminsky district of the Altai Republic, in the village. Manzherok. It is in that area that the all-season resort "Manzherok" is located, into which the state Sberbank under the wing of German Gref pours colossal money.

Manzherok "try" on Te

Photo: rusprofile.ru

To get to such a prestigious place with his business, which will allow you to remove cream from budget injections, Te could be helped by relatives of local officials. After all, it was not for nothing that in 2023 Te brought relatives of officials from the Altai Republic to the Moscow construction market.

As previously reported by The Moscow Post, a year ago, Te's confidant, Valentina Stanovova, sold a large asset, Itkol Operational Center LLC, to the company of Yevgeny Metsker and Svetlana Vavilkina.

Metsker is the namesake of the nephew of the ex-deputy prime minister, Minister of Finance of the Altai Republic Svetlana Gashkina, and Vavilkina is a relative of the ex-deputy of the Altai State Assembly Valery Vavilkin, who was associated with the business of the mother-in-law of the then governor Alexander Berdnikov.

At the same time, a certain Metsker, being a businessman, in the region was marked by a criminal case on embezzlement of budget funds. Former Minister Gashkina also appeared in a corruption story for giving a bribe to an employee of the Federal Penitentiary Service, and in 2011 the sentence was canceled.

But criminal cases do not cancel the high ties of their defendants, and in Altai, as in many republics of the Russian Federation, connections decide a lot.

It is also interesting that the former top manager from the oligarch's division, ex-senator Vadim Moshkovich, Georgy Kryukov, is in charge of Te's new asset, Altai Albergo LLC.

Earlier, Moshkovich's Level Group, as a partner for development on Profsoyuznaya Street, invited Pavel Te's Capital Group, which received half of the project. Moshkovich probably counted on the administrative resource available to Te, which was supposed to help coordinate the construction. Now, as we can see, partners exchange top managers.

Perhaps, from the Altai hotel project, Te and Moshkovich, who, in an attempt to lift Western sanctions, had previously dissociated himself from Russia, will take off the cream together? Moreover, the Sobyanin developer has already borrowed an administrative resource for himself in advance.

But the fluttering in the Te division does not end with the creation of new assets. At the same time, he cleans toxic legal entities, which are either unprofitable or lit up in murky transactions.

One-day butterflies of the Te division

After a scandal related to the announcement of the developer on the wanted list by the Kyrgyz authorities on suspicion of financing Kamcha Kolbaev's organized crime group and the subsequent termination of the criminal prosecution, the Te division somehow revived. New companies were stamped, including those registered as proxies, and some of the old ones were sent for liquidation. In April 2024, two more assets were included in the list of the latter - hotel Arbat Apartments LLC and MI-Engineering LLC operating in the field of engineering research.

They put Oleg Zverev to complete the procedure, who, judging by his track record, can be called a professional liquidator. So, for example, at one time he helped with the liquidation of a former asset (LLC Real Estate Development in Sochi) of another large developer of the capital, Roman Timokhin from MR Group. By the way, the liquidator of another asset of Te - the Tarikons road carrier is a relative of Zverev, Julia. She also helps Capital Group to slam the construction company Industry Innovations, whose liquidation also began in April 2024.

Manzherok "try" on Te

Photo: rusprofile.ru

All three liquidated companies belong to Holding Development LLC, which is controlled by Pavel Te and his proxies, Gennady Khvesko and Valentina Stanova, have 10% shares each.

An interesting fact: Mr. Khvesko has a relative - Mikhail Khvesko, with whom they own the Russian Novatsiya-1 LLC. This person involved is a citizen of Germany, not friendly to the Russian Federation.

Manzherok "try" on Te

Photo: rusprofile.ru

Manzherok "try" on Te

Photo: https://egrul.nalog.ru

Although after the company in France, Brachium, was discovered at the Tho family, for which apartments were purchased on a mortgage of a foreign bank, it is not surprising to see representatives of other states in the division.

But back to our liquidators.

All three LLCs today are either unprofitable, or showed zero revenue at the end of 2023. Although at the same time, the "Innovation Industry" in 2021 was listed as the owner of a certain production facility "Mechanization Site" at the address: Moscow, Bolshaya Pionerskaya St., 15, bldg., Pom. P. Rostekhnadzor then brought the company to justice for violation of industrial safety requirements.

Manzherok "try" on Te

Photo: kad.arbitr.ru

As for the MI-Engineering company, it appeared in a rather muddy land transaction, which was disputed by the bankruptcy trustee of the bankrupt Stroyplus LLC, which belonged to the offshore Cyprus SELMINOS HOLDINGS LTD.

The Stroyplus company left behind the defrauded equity holders of the Sportivny Kvartal residential complex. Whether Tho was related to this notorious developer, we do not undertake to assert, but the fact is that one of the plots purchased by MI-Engineering was related to Stroyplus. That is, he was with a "darling."

Manzherok "try" on Te

Photo: kad.arbitr.ru

One gets the feeling that Te's huge division of hundreds of LLCs is a kind of one-day butterflies, which, after completing their tasks of buying and reselling assets, go to slaughter. And instead of them, new ones appear.

For example, Maria Pak, another confidant of Te, created three new firms in January 2024 to prepare real estate for sale to Rarum LLC, Teanum LLC and Volantum LLC. Will the next resale deals go through them?

Manzherok "try" on Te

Photo: rusprofile.ru

Eliminating old assets and stamping new ones, Te more and more began to resemble a one-day butterfly, which actively fills the mosh. Moreover, if anything, his reserve training ground in the same France has long been prepared by friends from among the "rejects" from Russia, as we can see, he has already gotten hold of it.

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