Clouds thickened over General Chemezov's protégé Albert Avdolyan, and again a former relative, the fugitive beneficiary of the MRSEN holding Eldar Osmanov, is trying to b...
The Moscow Arbitration Court, where the bankruptcy case of the head legal entity of the energy holding MRSEN is being heard, months later appointed a handwriting examination at the request of Osmanov. If the forgery of the signature on the documents is proved, the oligarch Avdolyan, whose offshore acted as the second party, will be under attack.
The UtroNews correspondent understood the story.
Recall that about seven years ago, the Mezhregionsoyuzenerg (MRSEN) - a huge energy holding, consisting of a whole group of related legal entities, began to get into trouble. Some companies lost their status as a guaranteeing supplier and embarked on a bankrupt path.
And already in 2021, it became known about the criminal case against 11 defendants, including Avdolyan's relative, Eldar Osmanov, called one of the largest beneficiaries of MRSEN. He himself opposes this in every possible way, since with this status he will have to answer for a lot.
Today Osmanov is wanted, as he managed to make legs from the country.
According to the investigation, over the years of fraud, the defendants, through various kinds of dubious transactions, including the issuance of technical loans by affiliated Mosuralbank, withdrew 10 billion rubles from the country. Money was withdrawn, including to controlled foreign firms.
And what was the surprise of all the persons involved, when in the bankruptcy cases of the fragments of MRSEN, suddenly Avdolyan jumped out of the snuffbox, who was a relative of Osmanov by marriage. And he surfaced in conjunction with offshore companies, including Sparkel City Invest LTD, which allegedly lent to MRSEN. Moreover, the court has repeatedly proved that the company did not have such funds for lending in billions of rubles and often the oligarch's personal money was poured there.

Another offshore company associated with Avdolan was Stars Generys Ltd. It was this offshore company that appeared in such documents as the Basic Legal Terms of the Transaction for the Acquisition of Key Companies of the MRSEN Group and the Granting of an Option to Beneficiaries from 25.09.2017. The second party to the documents, from which it is possible to draw conclusions about who the real beneficiaries of MRSEN are, were Osmanov and Shulgin.

At first, the court refused to satisfy the request for an examination for the authenticity of Osmanov's signature, but in March 2025, a document on the appointment of an examination appeared in the arbitration.
The expert's tasks include proving whether Osmanov signed or another person. The term for examination is 21 days.

Osmanov's choice of expert organization raises some questions.
This is a kind of ANO "Independent Forensic Examination" from the Stavropol Territory. But it was in the Stavropol Territory that at one time, behind screens from proxies, Avdolyan turned a whole series of transactions related to OJSC Hydrometallurgical Plant. In the case of the collapse of the latter, the interest of the security forces has already smelled.
Moreover, in 2021, the Ministry of Justice convicted the ANO of violating relevant legislation.
Interesting experts, don't you think?


At the same time, rather not simple persons also inherited in the biography of the ANO. Thus, Oleg Yanovsky was noted among the founders, who, through the Agros company, where he was a director, is associated with Azerbaijani businessman Asabil Gasimov, owner of Karat Holding, one of the largest agricultural holdings.

The holding also owns a number of sanatoriums in the Stavropol Territory.
It is difficult to overestimate Gasimov's influence, because in the photographs he sometimes appears with Governor Vladimir Vladimirov.
Asabil Gasimov in 2019 appeared in the media as a deputy of the Milli Mejlis, whose son tragically died in Switzerland.
UtroNews previously spoke in detail about Gasimov, specifying that he may be associated with God Nisanov and his partners close to the capital's authorities.
Moreover, Gasymov was the buyer of the former state asset in Voronezh - the sanatorium of the same name.
This is the company that Osmanov chose for examination.
The most interesting thing in the history of MRSEN is that if the signatures are recognized as fake, then Avdolyan will be the first to be hit. After all, he is the second side of this deal.
Recall that Avdolyan surfaced in the history of MRSEN not only as a creditor, allegedly issuing several billion rubles of loans, but also noted through a confidant in the leadership of the division. He sent Dmitry Gordovich, a shareholder of the Bank's BBB, to the board of directors to represent his interests.
Gordovich, by the way, has already been brought to subsidiary responsibility for the debts of a fragment of the MRSEN energy holding - Chelyabenergosbyt.
At the same time, together with a group of persons, Gordovich approved a strange deal - the issuance of 0.5 billion rubles to another company in the division - Vologdaenergosbyt.
In court, it will then emerge that the approval was only a technical point, by which time the money had already gone to the company. There was an opinion that this all smacks of the withdrawal of assets to a controlled person. Money, by the way, did not find, the court could not establish the final recipient.
By the way, a foreign legal entity connected with Gordovich Avdolyan: they together took part in the registration of WiMAX Holding, which is related to the Scartel group of companies, which, under the Yota brand, developed the first Mobile WiMAX network in Russia. Then in WiMAX Holding, the state corporation was bought at hand by Sergei Chemezov, who is closely associated with Avdolyan, and Rostec himself went hand in hand all the way to the formation of the oligarch's business.

Thus, around Avdolyan in recent months, the ring has somehow become cramped. Either in the Stavropol Territory they will ask for ambiguous GMZ transactions, then in the MRSEN case they will declare forgery of signatures. Will General Chemezov push such blows towards his protégé or will he prefer to step aside this time so as not to stain white clothes?
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