Fights of migrants, shadow cryptocurrency schematics, national showdowns, and other trends of Cherkizon. Another "Gardener" and "Food City" with all the resulting symptom...

Shopping centers from a bankrupt company were bought for 1.6 billion rubles by a company created a month before the transaction, whose authorized capital amounted to only 10 thousand rubles. Most likely, the deal was sponsored by a big fan of raking heat with someone else's hands God Nisanov.

Details - in the material UtroNews.

On May 2, 2024, the bankrupt company - CJSC KFK "TAMP" sold two non-residential buildings under the hammer - the former shopping centers "Drive" and "Scarab" in Vykhino, as well as the right to lease the site. The buyer was the little-known Scarab LLC.

Mushroom "rain" for "Cherkizons": Nisanov is preparing a new "Food City"


The buying firm is the next "own people" of the developer God Nisanov, close to the Moscow (and not only) authorities.

Scarab was established in March 2024, it has a minimum authorized capital of 10 thousand rubles and zero employees. The legal owner of the freshly baked company is Yushvaev Mardakhai Yushvaevich.

Mushroom "rain" for "Cherkizons": Nisanov is preparing a new "Food City"


Yushvaev is a former director and co-founder of Food Cold LLC, which is owned by other proxies of Goda Nisanov. For example, Yalchin Hasanov, who also has a stake in Domodedovo Food LLC. Among the co-owners of the latter are David Nisanov, Roman Iliev (head of the Board of Directors of the investment company RedStone Capital, co-founder of a number of companies associated with the business of the Kievskaya Ploshcad Group of Companies Nisanov).

The Kommersant newspaper was confirmed in the group that they had acquired the facility for the further development of the Food City food market concept.

Mushroom "rain" for "Cherkizons": Nisanov is preparing a new "Food City"


In addition, Yushvaev was noted as the owner of a stake in Accord Spetsstroy LLC. The latter is the asset of businessman Ilgar Hajiyev, who publicly announced the seizure of his construction business. This story was told in detail by The Moscow Post, revealing the role of the oligarch God Nisanov, as well as the brothers Maxim and Andrei Vorobyov (the governor of the Moscow region and his brother).

Mushroom "rain" for "Cherkizons": Nisanov is preparing a new "Food City"


Thus, one may say, that the transaction to Vykhino passed in the interests of the same Nisanov preferring to pick up the team of squires who, just in case, and will be responsible for all time. And, judging by plans, to make of the bought shopping centers one more "Food City", will be responsible for what. What, however, isn't surprising if to take into account that roots of trade and market business of Nisanov and his partner Zarakh Iliyev go from famous "Cherkizon" of Telman Ismailov. Him, just, partially LLC Iliyev also managed.

And what it is later the born Cherkizon besides that he was once trading floor?

As wrote a few years ago about the market - "a large number of crimes was connected with attacks, murders and kidnappings of the people trading on Cherkizona", and the market is a "labyrinth in which chaos reigned".

Such feeling that as heritage of this labyrinth of chaos of Nisanov for the "Food City" took all worst.


In 2015 reported to REN-TV about the scandals and social tension formed around the market. Said about legendary Cherkizon's revival with his confusion, the counterfeit alcohol costing health to people, counterfeit cigarettes and tobacco mixes for a hookah.

In 2018 the employee of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation Yury Polupanov said that, according to department, the wholesale markets of Moscow — Shopping Center Moscow, shopping Mall Sadovod and "Food City" — "became practically pioneers and leaders in the offer on purchase of cryptocurrencies". A shadow turn in these markets then was estimated almost for 600 billion rubles a month.

In the spring of 2020 near the building of administration "Food City" there was "a migrant revolt" - several hundreds of sellers from Azerbaijan stormed the building, protesting against increase in the rent for the place. Police officers didn't risk to get into this hot dismantling even. As reported the Tsargrad edition, ways of the rebelled dealers were followed by local PSF and began to give arguments bludgeons, and the administration instead of normal explanations muffledly muttered something.

A year later "Food City" became the person involved in scandal again. Then the edition reported that during the conflict between groups — from Dagestan and from Tajikistan, employees and owners of outlets several people died.

Media reported fights between migrants on "Gardener" both in 2019, and in 2023.

And in December, 2023 it was reported that workers attacked police officers at the Gardener market. After the fight the court of Moscow decided to expel 22 persons, 51 more persons were arrested.

Also in January, 2023 the gang terrorizing businessmen on "Food of city" was condemned. The leader called Dzhabrail Geydarov leading all from places of detention.

Besides, in March, 2024 there were questions of ways of penetration of the Ukrainian saboteurs on the territory of the Russian Federation and just "Gardener" was mentioned.

By itself administration and "Gardener", and "Food City" pretend that they here not at affairs also deny connection with any negative events.

By the way, "Food Holod" who was directed by the owner of "Scarab" Yushvayev just and is registered to the address of the Food City complex and the Ltd company was called LLC Food City earlier.

Yushvayev was engaged the whole ten years in monetary mediation - was the owner of LLC YuG-Group. In addition, he is the legal owner of hunting LLC Avrora, Poleva agricultural and the controlling owner of LLC Zilant which owns LLC Econaturprod. If to estimate all assets of Yushvayev, then we won't find any free 1.6 billion rubles on purchase of two former shopping centers there. It allows to draw a conclusion that the transaction passed in the interests of the third party.

After Nisanov fell under sanctions, he began to resort even more often to a format with "screens". Zashirmochny business - it, as it turned out, is very convenient and safe.

In general any claims to Nisanov is "firing" in emptiness. Behind a shoulder of the developer there is a strong lobby. Not for nothing he is the adviser to the governor of Moscow area Andriy Vorobyov with whose brother Maxim they intersect also on the general construction asset.

Читать на "The Moscow Post"