The court left under house arrest the person involved in the theft of property and shipyard shares from Kamchatka businessman Nikolai Kuibida....

The court extended the house arrest to the main defendants in this story: the ex-director of Komkon JSC, the owner of the Kamchatka fish factory Sokra Andrei Obedin and his partner legal adviser Pavel Rudenko. Both are suspected of trying to steal property and shipyard shares worth more than 1.5 billion rubles from Kamchatka businessman Nikolai Kuibida.
According to one version, the Obediny couple and their entourage pushed their thirst to receive 2.5 billion rubles from Rusatom Cargo, which allegedly became interested in buying a Kamchatka object, to seize the shipyard.
During the investigation of the criminal case, new interesting details and connections began to be revealed that could help businessmen turn this scam and for a long time feel unpunished. The question of the "roof" arose for many from the very beginning of history. It is clear that in the existing business realities, without covering the right people, the operation to cut off the assets of one of the largest industrial enterprises in the region cannot be done.
So in the framework of the case, documents were seized in the Office of the Rosreestr of the Kamchatka Territory, which in October 2020, within three days without proper verification, transferred 52 real estate shipyards to the balance of DV-fish LLC, controlled by Mr. Obedin, registered in Moscow. Presumably, Obedin's wife Anastasia ran into the register with documents, and Irina Korostetskaya, an employee, was involved in the transaction.
The investigators' questions were raised, in particular, by the fact that the husband of an official of Rosreestr shortly after the sudden transfer of the property of the PSRV to third parties became the lucky owner of a whole pier that previously belonged to the shipyard. When asked by investigators about the origin of unusual property, he modestly answered: "Just lucky." However, given the activity of the investigation, it is still unknown how long luck will be on the side of the entrepreneurial family of the registry official and other possible patrons of this high-profile scam.
Recently, information appeared in the media that in connection with the case of the Peter and Paul Shipyard and businessman Andrei Obedin, troubles began with the deputy prosecutor of the Kamchatka Territory Alexei Bashmakov. It is reported that the head of the supervisory authority unexpectedly slowed down the increase and transfer from the region of Alexei Bashmakov, expected earlier this year. According to some reports, an employee of the prosecutor's office, who, after moving to 2014 from Primorsky Krai, oversaw the issues of entrepreneurs on the peninsula, has long been associated with the owner of the fish factory with common interests in cross-country skiing and friendly relations. Allegedly, useful acquaintance more than once helped Obedin's firms avoid numerous administrative fines, and in 2016 the criminal case against him on large personal income tax arrears in the amount of 17 million rubles was mysteriously terminated.
It is believed that it was the experienced prosecutor Alexei Bashmakov who personally controlled the high-profile case of the PSRV. The more questions are raised by the position of the supervisory authority, which, despite the voluminous evidence and materials available to the police, for almost a year prevented the initiation of criminal proceedings against Mr. Obedin and his partners on the facts of the outright theft of shipyard property.
A toxic trace was also found in the connections of the judge of the Kamchatka Arbitration Court Reshetko V.I., who in June last year, after the strange cancellation of the judge appointed to the case for one meeting without any proceedings, decided to transfer shares of the shipyard for 800 million rubles to Andrei Obedin's business partner Pavel Rudenko.
In a small town, many know that the spouse of a judge is a long-standing and very good a familiar plaintiff in a high-profile case since the time of joint work in the tax inspectorate of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. Allegedly, they are friends with families, rest together, are connected by common acquaintances and interests. It is curious that the tax department, in which this woman continues to work, immediately after making a decision in favor of Mr. Rudenko promptly and without obvious legal grounds, re-registered the general director of the shipyard, appointing to this post... of course Pavel Rudenko. A series of strange happy coincidences accompanies the history of the shipyard at every step of Obedin and Rudenko.
Could Kamchatka nepotism affect the impartiality of the servants of the law in the case by 1.5 billion? And is it not because the raiders acted so cynically that they had everything "captured and disgraced"? We are waiting for new details.
ReferencePeter and Paul Shipyard (PSRV) is a legendary Far Eastern enterprise with 85 years of history. During the USSR, all types of fishing vessels were built and repaired at the shipyard. After a long decline, PSRV was bought under the hammer by Kamchatka businessman and investor Nikolai Kuibida, who for several years attracted about 1 billion rubles to restore the plant. The revival of the shipbuilding industry in Kamchatka, gasification of the region and the construction of a logistics hub for the Northern Sea Route were associated with the new owner of the regional authorities. The first fishing trawler in many years began to be built at the shipyard. In 2020-2021, Komkon JSC, which owns shares and shipyard property, was raided, the organization of which is suspected of the closest partner and confidant of N. Kuibida A. Obedin. As a result, the company was plundered, and the economy of the Far East suffered potential damage of tens of billions of rubles.
Obedin Andrei Alexandrovich - Kamchatka entrepreneur, general director and owner of the Sokra fish processing plant, ex-director of Komkon JSC. Known in Kamchatka for coming to the fish business and becoming the owner of the first company thanks to the "happy occasion." A close friend who owned a highly profitable fish business rewrote him to Obedin in connection with the transition to the civil service, after which he soon died suddenly as a result of an accident. At the same time, the family of the deceased did not get anything, despite attempts to regain ownership. He manages affairs with the active participation of her wife Anastasia Obedina, who also took part in fraud with the property of the PSRV.
Source: Version (backup link)
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