The assets of bankrupt legal entities of the Ministry of Defense are bought by the same group of persons, which may include ex-employee of Spetsremont Buntov, his son and...

The story of the collapse of the legendary Sibselmash plant may become a new episode in the "case of the Ministry of Defense." The prosecutor's lawsuit revealed the participation in the sale of the representative of the Spetsremont defense holding Yuri Buntov and his family.

In the Novosibirsk arbitration, the regional prosecutor is trying to appeal the chain of transactions for the sale of Sibselmash's assets, where there was a place for a criminal case of fraud.

In a situation where the interests of State Duma deputy Viktor Ignatov surfaced, the UtroNews correspondent understood.

On March 18, 2025, the Novosibirsk arbitration will begin consideration of the claim of the regional prosecutor against 15 legal entities and entrepreneurs. Among the defendants are Moscow Mercas LLC, two firms with the same name - Active LLC, ActiveNedvizhimost LLC, Industrial Grid Company LLC, Akademfarm LLC, Energy Grid Company LLC, Siberian Wholesale Center LLC, Sibenergoprom LLC, NPP LLC A-Engineering, IP Vladimir Naumov, IP Olga Novoevskaya, LLC Promising Construction Solutions and LLC UK STM Service. The Novosibirsk mayor's office also appears among the defendants.

Third parties in the case are the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, the Federal Property Management Agency, Sibselmash. It is for the assets of the latter that the prosecutor is fighting, demanding to invalidate numerous transactions for the sale of the plant, withdrawing them in favor of the state.

Sale of military-industrial complex: cream for ex-employee of the Ministry of Defense Buntov and deputy Ignatov?


The history of the collapse of the plant, which once supplied defense products, began many years ago. Sibselmash was declared bankrupt in 2012, when it was still an asset of the Rostec state corporation. By the way, she also acts as a third party in the above case.

The sale of the plant's property began almost immediately after the bankruptcy. The first went under the hammer of an apartment, a sanatorium and a recreation center, and in 2020, cunning functionaries reached the main assets.

In 2020, the property complex of the plant (184 buildings and structures, 18.2 hectares of land, etc.) received a certain Mercas LLC for 0.5 billion rubles.

Immediately, the trading protocol tried to appeal to NPO Kurganpribor JSC, stating that the LLC's license does not meet the conditions of closed trading and does not allow the company to ensure the preservation of the intended purpose of the plant's property, as well as to fulfill contracts for state defense orders.

In addition, it was then for the first time that the muddy winner was affiliated with the debtor's creditor - RT Capital LLC, which, according to the applicant, could finance the purchase. After all, the LLC itself did not have such amounts, judging by the reporting: in 2020 it showed a loss, and in 2021 the net profit was only 690 thousand rubles. Where did almost 0.5 billion rubles come from?

Sale of military-industrial complex: cream for ex-employee of the Ministry of Defense Buntov and deputy Ignatov?


Mercas LLC was established in 2019 in Moscow. At the time of the auction, its director was Maxim Kibishev, who in 2020 was acting bankruptcy manager of Yurginsky Mashzavod LLC, which is 90% owned by RT-Capital. That is, they did not talk about the connection with Rostec's daughter from scratch.

The court then dismissed these arguments, they say, arguments about the actual interest of RT-Capital LLC have not been proven.

Sale of military-industrial complex: cream for ex-employee of the Ministry of Defense Buntov and deputy Ignatov?


Further - more interesting.

The owners of Mercas LLC have changed several times, even Andrey Sosedko, director of FERRUM Group, inherited there.

Sale of military-industrial complex: cream for ex-employee of the Ministry of Defense Buntov and deputy Ignatov?


After becoming one of the owners of Sosedko, the company seemed to begin to prepare a sale of Sibselmash's property.

The neighbor was the owner from October 12 to October 21, 2021, and literally a few weeks later a big sale began.

Among the buyers, two companies with the same name stand out - Active LLC. One was established in 2017 and still belongs to Andrei Yuryevich Buntov, the second was created in 2019 and until 2023 the same Buntov was its owner. The same Buntov is the owner of ActiveNedvizhimost LLC and until June 2024 he owned STM Service Management Company LLC (now he remains the director there). All these firms appear in the prosecutor's lawsuit as the new owners of Sibselmash's assets. It was they who received the most real estate, as well as land.

Sale of military-industrial complex: cream for ex-employee of the Ministry of Defense Buntov and deputy Ignatov?


It was Buntov's company that was suspected of possible financing of the participation of Merkas LLC in the auction by RT-Capital LLC.

Sale of military-industrial complex: cream for ex-employee of the Ministry of Defense Buntov and deputy Ignatov?


Why did Buntov himself not take part in the auction?

And here is the subtlety: Andrei Buntov is probably the son of Yuri Buntov, who appeared in open sources as a representative of Spetsremont JSC, a structure of the Russian Defense Ministry. The structure was associated with the repair of military equipment. Apparently, I did not want to shine a connection with an official of the military department when buying an asset that fulfilled the state defense order.

By the way, in the Novosibirsk region, Spetsremont JSC also managed another defense plant in Novosibirsk - 15 Central Auto Repair Plant JSC (now bankrupt).

In 2017, a petition appeared regarding the bankruptcy of "15 TSARZ" and the name of Yuri Buntov sounded there. In this petition, Buntov is called the director of 15 TSARZ, specifying that he participated in the management of Sibselmash.Spetstekhnika.Service. shortly before his bankruptcy. In the same petition, Buntov's possible connections with ex-FSB officer Viktor Ryzhkov, who could be Ryzhkov's relative M.A., who at that time held the position of deputy head of the Main Directorate of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for NSO, were announced.

In the media, meanwhile, "15 TSARZ" in 2016 was listed as an asset of the Spetsremont holding, and it was Buntov who represented the interests of the latter in this property.

Meanwhile, among the defendants in the case on the claim of the prosecutor for Sibselmash, we see LLC "UK 114 repair plant for refueling and transportation of fuel." The same enterprise was a supplier for enterprises of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and bought out the assets of the above-mentioned "15 CAR" in 2022, and even at a price four times lower than the declared one.

Interesting: but the company "UK" STM Service "Andrei Buntov owned together with Yuri Buntov - the full namesake of the representative of" Special Repair. " This hints that Andrei Buntov is not at all a stranger to Yuri Buntov.

In addition, the court demanded to demand 2-NDFL certificates from the Federal Tax Service of Russia, information about tax agents A.Yu. and Buntova Yu. for 2020, trying to prove the financing of the transaction on Sibselmash.

Sale of military-industrial complex: cream for ex-employee of the Ministry of Defense Buntov and deputy Ignatov?


In December 2023, the deal to buy out Sibselmash's assets by Mercas was appealed by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation. The reason was that Mercas LLC provided deliberately inaccurate information for which the license was issued, namely, employment contracts with employees of Mercas LLC are fictitious, and a number of documents are completely fake - with forged signatures of the director of the LLC. That is, the company did not have the right to receive a license, but without it and participate in the auction.

Sale of military-industrial complex: cream for ex-employee of the Ministry of Defense Buntov and deputy Ignatov?


As a result, the property of the plant was recovered in favor of the Russian Federation. But most of the assets were already resold. It is these transactions that the regional prosecutor is now disputing, at the same time, claiming assets for a previously satisfied claim.

On March 12, 2025, hearings are also planned on another claim of the regional prosecutor's office - to challenge the lease agreements for the plant's property.

Also, from the materials of the court, it became known that the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Moscow opened a criminal case on the facts of illegal formation of the legal entity LLC Merkas and committing fraudulent actions in order to seize the assets of OJSC NPO Sibselmash. But the faces are allegedly not installed there.

In the meantime, the security forces cannot identify the very faces, the Buntov family team continues its financial schematics.

In 2022, as part of the bankruptcy of the 542nd Engineering Weapons Plant, located in Nakhabino near Moscow, a property complex was sold. The buyer of assets for 0.5 billion rubles was Andrey Buntov, already familiar to us. At the same time, an important nuance: Spetsremont JSC also previously managed the 542nd plant.

Sale of military-industrial complex: cream for ex-employee of the Ministry of Defense Buntov and deputy Ignatov?


According to insiders, allegedly after some time the Aktiv company transferred the purchased real estate to the ownership of the Novosibirsk LLC Uchet, whose director is Roman Ignatov. He is probably the brother of Russian State Duma deputy Viktor Ignatov (United Russia).

By the way, in the LLC reports for 2023, we really see some income from facilities in Nakhabino. And in the complaint about the auction for the sale of the plant's property, a deposit for the participation of IP Shcherbakova (on behalf of Aktiv LLC) in the auction was transferred to SanInvest LLC.

LLC "SanInvest" in the reporting of LLC "Accounting" (manages the shopping center Sun City) appears as a company that received some loans, and most importantly, 99% of the share in the company belongs to LLC "Accounting."

From the same report, we learn that Viktor Ignatov is a shareholder of Sibkomproekt JSC (owner of Uchet LLC) and has a share in Anna Ignatova's trust management.

Sale of military-industrial complex: cream for ex-employee of the Ministry of Defense Buntov and deputy Ignatov?


According to a similar scheme, the territory of the bankrupt "5th Central Automobile Repair Plant" in Yekaterinburg was sold for 235.5 million rubles. And the buyer here was already familiar in the Sibselmash case - LLC Merkas (his interests were represented by IP Petrakov), and from him the assets were allegedly transferred to the aforementioned Novosibirsk LLC SanInvest (owner of the Biysk sugar factory).

Interesting: LLC "SanInvest" on the second claim of the prosecutor acts as a third party, which speaks of the connection between Ignatov's firm and the Sibselmash case. Indeed, in the second case, we are talking about rented space, and the third party can only be the one whose interests the rupture of the transaction will affect.

Thus, today we are witnessing the purchase of assets of bankrupt enterprises of the Ministry of Defense, which on the sly go to persons close to employees of the department. In general, in our opinion, the Sibselmash case is only one episode of the story in which the Buntov family inherited. And, perhaps, it acts just in the interests of the Ignatovs.

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