Oligarch Moshkovich entered the Belogorod region from the rear and is trying to take control of Agro-Belogorye. His actions strangely coincided with the attacks of the Uk...

Russian State Duma deputy Mikhail Delyagin drew attention to the seizure plans of the offshore oligarch Vadim Moshkovich in relation to the Belgorod company Agro-Belogorye. While the Ukrainian Nazis are trying to break into the territory of the Belgorod region, Moshkovich is trying to take control of the key agro-industrial enterprise in the region.
Attack against Agro-Belogorye
Delyagin compared the actions of Rusagro Moshkovich Group of Companies with a raider seizure. The deputy made such a conclusion on the basis that Moshkovich acts in conjunction with the regional government.
In March 2024, the Minister of Agriculture and Food of the region, Andrei Antonenko, said that the authorities had no right to interfere in the judicial dispute between the two economic entities, and in April the Belgorod Region received a share of Rusagro Group of Companies in Agro-Belogorye in trust management. So, the Belgorod authorities smeared in the activities of Moshkovich and de facto approved his actions.

Andrey Antonenko. Photo: https://vk.com/wall-187661620_1910
Antonenko, as noted by the UtroNews correspondent, is a nominee of the Governor of the Belgorod Region Vyacheslav Gladkov and went a few days ago. The head of the region decided to make him vice-governor instead of Yulia Shchedrina, who was dismissed back in December 2023 for corruption. All this makes Agro-Belogorye's prospects very bad.
Pro-Western Moshkovich
Moshkovich in 2019 bought 22.5% of Agro-Belogorye in order to crush the company for himself, but for four years he could not agree with the owners on the sale of the company. Until now, 77.5% of Agro-Belogorye shares are under the control of Vladimir Zotov and Larisa Kovaleva, who have owned the enterprise since its privatization.
Without an agreement with Zotov and Kovaleva, agricultural tycoon Moshkovich will not be able to get the keys to Agro-Belogorye, so the oligarch began to act through the Belgorod authorities. Moshkovich promises the region half of the company's shares if Rusagro Group of Companies receives ownership of Agro-Belogorye from Zotov and Kovaleva.
Officially, the regional authorities remain silent, but negative dynamics can be traced - the regional arbitration court seven times out of seven took the side of the Rusagro Group of Companies in its claims against Agro-Belogorye. In particular, at the request of the Rusagro Group of Companies, Agro-Belogorye investments worth 500 million rubles were blocked, which went to charity, support for the NVO and other social tasks.
It turns out that Moshkovich's company has blocked social work in the area where the counter-terrorist operation is underway against Ukrainian aggressors and their Western friends.
With the tacit support or at least frivolity of the regional authorities, this was done by a company whose leader publicly renounced the policy of the President of the Russian Federation. In addition, the son of the oligarch lives in the United States. Overseas, Evgeny Moshkovich changed his name to Jack Moshkovich, and now works for a fund that invests in Pentagon projects. This is how this can happen during SVO!?
"Barbarossa Plan" by Moszkowicz
The Barbarossa Plan to capture Agro-Belogorye by Moshkovich was published on the Internet. GK "Rusagro," according to this document, divided its actions into five stages. The truth of the document has not been officially confirmed, but much converges.
The first stage is the agreement of Rusagro Group of Companies with the Belgorod Region on the transfer of 12.5% of Agro-Belogorye shares to the trust management of the region and the introduction of a regional representative to the board of directors of the enterprise. Next, an arbitration court enters the case, which should withdraw Zotov from the assets of Russian Metal and transfer them to Rusagro Group. Thanks to this, the share of Rusagro Group of Companies in Agro-Belogorye will increase to 47.5%.

Vadim Moshkovich. Photo: https://www.forbes.ru/forbeslife/374235-nam-ne-nuzhny-roboty-milliarder-vadim-moshkovich-rasskazal-dlya-kogo-otkryl-shkolu
If the first stage is de facto completed, then on the second there are already claims in the arbitration court. All this makes you look closely at this document.
At the third stage, Rusagro Group of Companies is allegedly going to knock Kovaleva out of the shareholders (it has 5% of the shares in the enterprise), and the reason for this should be the conclusion of deliberately unprofitable transactions for the sale of Agro-Belogorye assets. Lawyers of the Rusagro Group of Companies have prepared a list of transactions that they are going to interpret in the arbitration court in this way. For this, the Rusagro Group of Companies will need the help of the Gladkov government, because most of these agreements worth 2 billion rubles were charitable in nature for the region.
After Zotovy, in a similar way, lawyers should remove Zotov from the founders, who by that time will have lost a controlling stake and, apparently, will be removed from leadership positions. Then the Rusagro Group of Companies will transfer from 25% to 49% of the shares of Agro-Belogorye to the regional government and share the profits with it, but Moshkovich will remain in full control.
A terrible blow to the Belgorod region
The proposed scheme is as old as the world. All this was the norm 20-30 years ago, when capital controlled by the West took control of domestic enterprises, then plundered them and so destroyed entire sectors of the Russian economy. Thanks to this, the dominance of imports began in the Russian Federation, and the West received leverage in the form of the notorious sanctions. Only now times, as we are told, have changed, or still not? Or are there exceptions for someone?

Mikhail Delyagin. Photo: https://u-f.ru/news/economics/u10/2023/03/20/356132
In addition, Moshkovich is an absolutely odious character who has been trying to get the European Union to lift Western sanctions for more than two years on the grounds that, in his own words, he is not connected with the policy pursued by the Kremlin. For this reason, the deputies from the SRZP even proposed to recognize Moshkovich as a foreign agent.
This request was made while the oligarch began the active phase of the capture of Agro-Belogorye. Moshkovich's actions are generally strangely connected in time with aggression in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Sometimes it even seems that these are two parts of a cunning plan proposed by advisers to the Kyiv regime.
It is not clear why the Belgorod government contributes to this, because one of the main enterprises in the region under Moshkovich is likely to come to an end. Moszkowicz is known for surviving all the juices from seized assets and then bankrupting or reselling them. Indicative is the story of the Solar Products holding, which came under the control of Rusagro Group of Companies and immediately went through bankruptcy. As part of this scheme, VTB Factoring, Capital Factoring and Baltinvestbank suffered.
Money will go to the West
Agro-Belogorye gives the Belgorod region about 1.5 billion rubles in regional taxes, so the transfer of the enterprise into the hands of Moshkovich is not beneficial to the region, but maybe such a turn of events is beneficial to someone personally from the Gladkov government?
We must not forget that Rusagro Group of Companies works through an offshore company. On September 9, 2024, the shareholders of Ros Agro Plc (in fact, Moshkovich) at an extraordinary meeting did not approve the decision to transfer (redomilation) to Russian jurisdiction.
The decision was made after the Arbitration Court of the Moscow Region satisfied the application of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation to Ros Agro Plc to suspend the corporate rights of this company in relation to the Russian subsidiary of PJSC Rusagro Group. Thus, Moshkovich retained the garter to the western offshore, and if Agro-Belogorye passes under his control, it is possible that money will be siphoned through it from the Belgorod region to the United States, where the oligarch's children live.
These are the actions of the oligarchs who do not connect their future with Russia at the key enterprise of the Belgorod region, where the fighting continues.
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