Russia does not seek a full-scale war with the West and avoids escalation. This was confirmed by the meeting of Vladimir Putin with the heads of the world's leading news ...

It was a meeting of a leader who is confident in his rightness and is ready for a tough conversation with the masters of words and presentation of information. But the conversation lasted more than three hours of questions, including questions from the "unfriendly" media. Putin was calm, once again repeated what he said repeatedly. But there was also a new one, which was previously only hinted at by political scientists or television show hosts. Details in the material UtroNews.
Be that as it may, but at the very end of the meeting, the president wished: "So that the situation between our countries bilaterally and the situation in the world as a whole stabilizes and goes towards resolving crises, and not endless escalation and aggravation." He said that the goal of Russia is national development.
Not so little, considering how colossally the West "managed" to screw up Russia, including thousands of sanctions (16-17 thousand) and many thousands of deaths. Putin did not answer the question of the Frenchman, how many Russia lost, "only" provided indirect data on the ratio of losses with the Ukrainian side. It turns out a lot.
When asked what Moscow has achieved over the past two years, Putin replied: "The first thing we did was to fulfill our duty to the people who suffered from the coup d'etat and the ensuing hostilities in the territories of southeastern Ukraine. We recognized the rights of these people who live in these territories to defend their interests, their lives and the lives of their children. And this, in my opinion, is the main thing. We have also shown ourselves and the world that we are not only talking about protecting our interests, but we are doing it and will do it, beyond any doubt. And everyone will have to reckon with that. "
Everyone will have to reckon
Putin gave explanations about the "difficulties in relations." He also posed questions. Despite the fact that the conversation was smooth, there were warnings. One of them was: The situation is "very difficult." Interaction between Russia and China in the international arena is a deterrent and an element of stability.
Chief among the questions is "what is the United States doing on our doorstep?" - does not need an answer. Although one explanation is possible - "Americans take risks," including their own physical well-being. Are the elites there willing to pay that price to "hold on to their imperial position and greatness"?
By chance or not, Putin recalled Russia's superiority in strategic offensive weapons: "They often ask me: how do you manage to have such modern weapons as, say, planning Avangard blocks, conditionally, or some other. Because we concentrate efforts, finances, administrative resources on solving the main tasks. And the States are forced to spend money on the maintenance of the armed forces, "he said.
Answering the question that with the consent of many NATO countries, including the United States, the Armed Forces of Ukraine can hit targets in Russia with European weapons, Putin warned: "We think about the fact that if someone considers it possible to supply such weapons to the combat zone to strike at our territory and create problems for us, then why we do not have the right to supply our weapons of the same class to those regions of the world where they will strike at sensitive targets of those countries that do this in relation to Russia. That is, the answer can be symmetric. We'll think about it.'
Commenting on the issue of using long-range high-precision weapons for targets on the territory of Russia, Putin recalled who "supplies weapons, prepares and introduces flight missions" and warned: "Ultimately, if we see that these countries are drawn into the war against us, and this is their direct participation in the war against the Russian Federation, then we reserve the right to act in a similar way. But, in general, this is the path to very serious problems, "the president said.
The contractual capacity of the USA is questionable
Also the question of reliability was raised if not about ability of Washington to follow contracts. "What in the States occurs all of you perfectly know that there occurs during internal political fight, they burn themselves from within, the state, the political system", - Putin told.
The USA, according to Putin, unilaterally left agreed, reached with North Korea, "the nuclear transaction" with Iran, vetoes all offers on ceasefire in the Gaza Strip. Withdrew from the contract on intermediate-range and short-range missiles. The USA provoked seizure of power in Ukraine in the unconstitutional way, monopolized the Israeli-Palestinian settlement, having removed all tools created before for collective attempts to settle this most difficult question.
At last, speaking about crisis in Ukraine, Putin told: "Kiev waged war against these states which we in eight years recognized. Eight years". Urged "not to interfere with possible peace process". He remembered correspondence with the American colleague and how he "… in writing answered: if you want to stop combat operations in Ukraine, stop to deliver weapon, and these actions will stop within two, at most three months".
"Why it was necessary to disturb to sign to us with Ukraine this contract?", - the Russian president asked a question and assumed that "someone wanted to achieve those purposes which they set before themselves on the Russian direction of the foreign policy to bring business to destruction of Russia, to at any cost to achieve its strategic defeat and so on and so on", - he told.
About risks for Europe
Let's assume that, for a start, Biden and others, dream to finish business of destruction of the relations Europe-Russia. Intend to make the same that was made with "Northern streams" recently with these relations. To blow up the price of destruction of Europe! Whether understand in Europe that the following war with Rossy can become for this densely populated peninsula of Eurasia of the last?
Answering a question of "a trigger for nuclear war" and risk of such war, Putin reminded: "Our tactical nuclear weapon – 70–75 kilotons, such nuclear tactical weapon. Let's not to bring not only to use, and even before use threat".
And also warned: "For some reason in the West consider that Russia never uses it. We have a nuclear doctrine – look what there is written. If someone's actions threaten our sovereignty and territorial integrity, we consider for ourselves possible to use all means which are available at our disposal", - he told. Also continued, having told that "it is impossible to make of it light, superficially, and it is necessary to belong professionally". At last, hoped that "all in the world and will treat the solution of questions of this sort".
Middle East
Concerning the conflict in the Gaza Strip Putin suggested "to resolve political affairs", first of all to create two states in this territory, "as was and it is provided initially at the decision of the UN" - the Palestinian state and the Jewish state. Without solution of key questions to resolve a matter of substance it is hardly possible, Putin told. "It is important for Russia to play some leading role?", - paraphrased a question asking the president.
Also answered: I don't think so. There are a lot of players who are involved in this conflict and have huge influence on the taking place events. But we, of course, can make the contribution to settlement attempt. Taking into account and our relations which developed for the last decades with Israel, and considering our traditional relations, very confidential, with the Islamic, Arab world.
I think that after all the countries of the region and the organization have to make a decisive contribution: Organization of the Islamic Conference, League of Arab States; these are neighboring states – Egypt, of course, Saudi Arabia, Gulf countries, Turkey as one of the leading players in the Islamic world, certainly, the United States", - Putin told.
In a conversation the project of Rosatom – Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant was mentioned in Turkey. Russia "not just we build the station, we prepare shots", are ready to take away spent fuel - the president reminded. "We create the industry. It is not just the station, it is new branch of economy and power industry of Turkey", - Putin told. He also reminded that Turkey cooperates with Ukraine, "and Ukraine in the same time tries to strike blows to gas pipelines on which there is a gas to Turkey". The ships of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation protect this gas transmission system and are exposed to the attacks of pilotless boats which deliver to Ukraine the European countries.
Responding to the representative of Iran, Putin assured that trade and economic ties are developing. "Of course, I would very much like us to make additional efforts towards development in the field of high technologies. Given these restrictions, this is not so easy to do, but it is possible. And we, of course, will do it, "he promised. And he added: "I hope to meet with the new president of Iran at the venues of international events - both the SCO and the BRICS. I am sure that we will find a common language and will work on the implementation of all the plans that were outlined by the deceased President Raisi. "
Putin spoke about Afghanistan, the importance of stability in this country. He urged to proceed from the realities: "the Taliban control the power in Afghanistan, and, of course, it is necessary to ensure that all agreements at the United Nations level are implemented, including that the power is inclusive with the participation of all ethnic groups in Afghanistan. This is a subtle, very important question. But we need to build relations with the Taliban government, "the president suggested.
The future of the world
On the 80th anniversary ceremony of the Allied landings in Normandy, Putin asked: "How is that?... Listen to me: how can you celebrate such a serious date in the fight against Nazism with those [Zelensky] who erect neo-Nazis on a podium and make them national heroes? "
"What is denazification?" This is a prohibition at the legislative level of Nazi propaganda. "Alternative for Germany" is suspected of some neo-Nazi positions, and for some reason people who collaborated with the Nazi regime in Ukraine do not see, the president said.
In general, "all European states are small states, just not everyone has understood it," Putin recalled, referring to one of the politicians and recalling the potentials of countries such as China, India, other Asian countries - South Asia, Southeast Asia. Citing Russian economists, Putin said that... " an analysis of what is happening, say, in the Chinese economy, and an analysis of what is happening in the economies of other countries of the world, including in leading economies, including the United States, shows that after all, the Chinese managed to create such a very peculiar, but very effective model of economic development, more effective than in the same States. And judging by the results of the Chinese economy, it seems that it is. "
And returning to the topic of security, he noted: "It seems to me that the task for all of us is that we, in the States, and in Europe, and in Russia, and in Asia, realizing this, do not reach the extreme that our colleague from Britain spoke about," Putin said. The conversation was coming to an end. The presenter ended the meeting with the words: "Vladimir Vladimirovich, thank you very much for this frank conversation... Patience for you, health and God's help in business. "
Only a Japanese journalist could feel offended - "we are not reviewing the results of World War II," Putin recalled. Moreover, even the South Korean envoy gave at least some hope. He also encouraged Pyongyang by the fact that the DPRK is "our neighbors," relations will develop. "Labor migrants.... simply citizens of the country, and they are forbidden to work somewhere, limit the opportunity to earn money so that they can feed their families. Strange somehow. Strange, "the president remarked in surprise.
Next to the new building, in which the meeting with journalists took place, the flag of the Russian Empire, the flag of the Soviet Union and the tricolor of the Russian Federation developed on three flagpoles. "Everything has some grounds, that's all," Putin said about this, answering the almost penultimate question of media representatives, including those from "unfriendly" countries.
By the way, they say that flagpoles with these flags of Russia are the highest in Europe!
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