Searches in the editorial office of the magazine "Company" can be connected with repartition of the market of public relations to which Mikhail Mishustin's assistant Leon...

As the correspondent of UtroNews knew, in Third Kadashevsky Lane of Moscow, in the house recently at number 7 where the editorial office of the magazine "Company" is located, there took place searches.

As reports a source of UtroNews, these searches went on the case of extortion at the top manager of Rostec state corporation Vasily Brovko.

Thus, gone out Mr. Brovko had a case of extortion, began to shine and began to sparkle again: security officers check information which suddenly came up as a result of additional investigation of activity of administrators of Telegram channel "Infernal grandmas". In the computer of one of defendants in the case found new information on placement of negative publications against the high-ranking staff of Rostec state corporation.

By the way, such arrival on the editorial office of the magazine "Company" not the first. In 2017 this business publication was already shaken regarding "harmful" PR.

Chemezov wrote the application personally

As informants of UtroNews consider, search in the editorial office of the magazine "Company" can be connected with the identity of the media technologist Denis Prokopenko who some time ago was active as the editor-in-chief of the business publication. And today in the PR market Mr. Prokopenko is known as the informal owner of this edition.

But why searches, investigative actions and detentions continue? Here, most likely, it is necessary to return to events 2022 when the editor-in-chief of the Tatler Ariane magazine Romanovsky, secular reporter Tamerlan Bigayev and the commercial director of Ksenia Sobchak Kirill Sukhanov were arrested.

These three before arrest kept the Telegram channel "Put Out the Light": Raman (Kuzmin) was an editor-in-chief, Bigayev - the editor, Sukhanov was responsible for advertizing.

The channel published secular insiders. And everything went, like clockwork, so far the head of Rostec Group general Chemezov didn't get to "lens".

Took for "Company" or whom we have in "Sum"

Sergei Chemezov. Photo:

In one of days in the Telegram channel "Put Out the Light" the post about a celebrating the birthday of the coal magnate Andrei Bokarev appeared: the celebration in was celebrated in the house of the business partner and the old friend Sergei Chemezov Vitaly Mashchitsky.

The head of Rostec, authors of Put Out the Light channel "wrote I came to congratulate the birthday boy".

Chemezov, Mashchitsky and Bokarev's friendship is known long ago, but the director of special orders of Rostec Group Vasily Brovko paid attention to this post what he immediately reported about to the general Chemezov as material contained data which according to Brovko could do harm to the interests of Chemezov and his relatives as it was told in the criminal case file.

Chemezov charged to Brovko to contact representatives of channel. And to remove a post.

But there is only an opinion that the situation was a little differently: evil tongues claim that allegedly Vasily Brovko himself the participant of a show happy birthday of Bokarev, moreover, he initially could build all scheme with this show. But, having been frightened of consequences, I gave back. Also I stirred up all trouble with criminal case against Romanovsky, Sukhanov and Bigayev who appeared in the pre-trial detention center.

Took for "Company" or whom we have in "Sum"

Vasily Brovko. Photo:

And charges to Romanovsky, Bigayev and Sukhanov were very serious: according to the investigators, they extorted 11 million rubles from Sergei Chemezov.

And if to trust Brovko's testimonies, in exchange for removal of a post and a request of anything else Sukhanov demanded not to write 11 million rubles about Chemezov and his friends: 1 million for removal of a post and 10 million more - for the annual block on any negative publications about the head of Rostec Group and people close to him. As a result of negotiations the price of removal of a post fell from one million to 800 thousand rubles.

On October 24 at Regent restaurant Sukhanov received money. And he was detained immediately, then arrested Romanovsky and Bigayev.

As the victim on business Chemezov acted: personally I wrote the application for extortion.

We will remind that Brovko headed service of communications of Rostec Group in 2013. It turns out that a lot of things I was in time during this time: on instigations of Mr. Brovko put and put? Generally, global repartition of the PR market "mad" hands of Vasily Brovko and his spouse Tina Kandelaki goes with advancing!

Brothers Magomedov against the magazine "Company"

But we will remind also some other curious events.

A few years ago, namely in 2017, brothers Magomedov from Summa Group who are under arrest since 2018 rolled on the business magazine "Company".

Took for "Company" or whom we have in "Sum"

Magomedov brothers. Photo:

And a criminal case was even opened against the general director of the publishing company "IDR-Format" Yevgeny Feldman and the deputy editor-in-chief of the magazine "Company" (the publication was part of the IDR) Andrei Krasavin on charges of extorting 200 thousand dollars from the management of the Summa group.

The investigation lasted two years, but in the end it was decided that there was no corpus delicti in the actions of the defendants: the investigator referred to the results of the linguistic examination. Simultaneously with the termination of the criminal case, the investigator canceled Feldman and Krasavin's preventive measure in the form of a recognizance not to leave the place.

The extortion case was closed.

Co-owners of the Summa group Ziyavudin and Magomed Magomedov are in prison on charges of organizing a criminal community, and the amount of stolen budget funds is more than 2.5 billion rubles.

Gusov case

Today, not only former administrators of the Infernal Grandmother Telegram channel are in prison; for more than a year, the owner of the electronic version of the Vek newspaper and the Novy Vek Telegram channel, Alexander Gusov, has been imprisoned on an unfounded charge, and the charge itself was based on the testimony of a certain Alexei Shcheglov.

Took for "Company" or whom we have in "Sum"

Alexander Gusov. Photo:

The story with Alexander Gusov, who, on the basis of Shcheglov's statement alone, was accused of allegedly extorting millions of rubles from the oligarch Avdolyan for a "block on negativity" - the clearest example of lawlessness.

In the case file there are no documented facts of transferring money or recordings of conversations, where there would be any threats from the accused to the injured party, and the applicants themselves are confused in the dates... Just came a certain Shcheglov, introduced himself as a confidant of Avdolyan.

And he wrote an empty statement.

Who is this Shcheglov? This "fruit" was allegedly in the civil service: he was listed as a security guard in LLC "Private Security Company VEPR - 332." But a person with the same data in 2014 appeared in the criminal database of the Ministry of Internal Affairs marked "Negative."

But with such a label, what kind of civil service can there be?

And in Gusov's muddy case, Leonid Levin, the founder of the Privy Councilor PR agency, who was called a "reputation launderer" in narrow circles, surfaced in some way.

Probably, on this basis, Mr. Levin met Mr. Avdolyan? It is curious that among the co-founders of the agency, Levin was also inherited by an offshore company - the Cypriot company A.R.R. MANAGEMENT LIMITED. She disappeared from the annals only in April 2021.

Today CJSC "Privy Councilor Netvok Company" is an operating office that does not disclose its beneficiaries. But he continues to row government contracts, having mastered almost a billion.

Took for "Company" or whom we have in "Sum"

Leonid Levin. Photo:

Today Leonid Levin appears on the website of the Government of the Russian Federation as the deputy head of the apparatus of Mikhail Mishustin.

And he still cannot do business, for an official he is outlawed.

Let us also remind you that even earlier Mr. Levin was a deputy from the Penza region, when Ivan Belozertsev, convicted of bribes, ruled the region.

And Levin crossed paths with Belozertsev more than once. And among the clients of the Privy Councilor since 2014 was Biotek LLC of ex-senator Boris Shpigel, to whom the company provided delicate services to form a positive image.

Governor Belozertsev eventually got burned on the bribes that Spiegel brought him. Both were convicted: so "well" worked on the image.

Thus, one gets the impression that Alexander Gusov was simply slandered when he did not agree to some kind of deal proposed by the second party, making the investigation actually an instrument of intimidation...

Who is next in the long queue?

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