The construction of Tank Passage in Lefortovo will be carried out by ex-official from the Treasury Sofia Toros and her relative, the famous Kuban developer Nikolai Shikhi...

Judging by the arbitration base, the developer also practices a scheme with unauthorized buildings, which he then tries to legalize. Also on his track record is a loud scandal related to the development of a landslide slope in Sochi.
The UtroNews correspondent understood how a developer close to the Krasnodar governor conducts business and what connections help him in this.
The FAS approved a deal to buy from the son of ex-Minister of Energy Vitaly Yusufov LLC "Specialized developer" Tankovy, "which is building a residential complex in Tankovy proezd. The buyer of the asset will be LLC "Specialized developer" South Sea, "which also belongs to very entertaining personalities.
The South Sea was established in January 2024 by the ex-head of the Gelendzhik branch of the Federal Treasury Department for the Krasnodar Territory Sofia Toros and construction businessman Nikolai Shikhidi, close to her.

As reports a source of UtroNews, at one time Mrs. Toros carried a surname Shikhidi, and even suited a certain Darya Shikhidi in the same Management of the Federal Treasury Department which she directed.
In business the Hummock rushed later several after left an official chair, but the main volume of assets on her name was issued in 2021-2023. At the same time among those who gave shares in construction companies there were also Alexander Chistyakov's relatives - the namesake of the former deputy chairman of board of FGC UES, the co-owner of the Ruspetro oil company. So from Maria Chistyakova in May, 2023 she got the Moscow LLC UK Jem Mall, the share in which is still burdened by the seller. Moreover, the firm is registered with LLC Hermitage Development of East which is directed by the family representative of Chistyakov, and the offshore owns. There is an impression that business relations the Hummock and Chistyakov proceed still.
In general in buying up of the former assets of Chistyakov also other relative of family the Hummock - Shikhidi - Ira Rachitskaya was marked out. Through her acquisition at offshore - "MERELIO LTD" of the former share in Alexander Chistyakov in LLC SZ Revers where she is a director for today was made out.

"Reverse" is a builder of apartments of a business class on Volodarskogo St. in Sochi and also such expensive project as Marine Garden Sochi which includes business centers, pools and restaurants. Apparently, the credits taken in state banks as shares the Hummock are put to Sberbank and VTB Bank are involved in projects.

Photo: ours. house. Russian Federation
The contractor both on Volodarsk, and in Marine Garden Sochi - the Azatyugstroy company which in September, 2023 Shikhidi sold to a certain Rakhim Ozerov.
Ozerov is also the director of LLC Shopping Center Black Sea-2 (the Hummock and Shikhidi belonged earlier) and directs the Hummock - LLC Russtroy.
Ozerov' family in Gelendzhik is quite famous. Sergei Ozerov was earlier the deputy and the mayor of Gelendzhik from where I went for increase in the State Duma. Personally the governor Kondratyev handed him a rank "Honourable Citizen of Kuban".
With Ozerov' family at family of Toros-Shikhidi quite dense communications. So, for example, with Larisa Ozerova she was connected by LLC IK Kolos from where the Hummock left only in June, 2023. And Darya Shikhidi ran earlier LLC Vympel among which co-owners there was certain Dmitry Pyshkin. Pyshkin was the director of LLC IK Avista where among owners there was Sergei Ozerov, and then the share passed probably to his son. Besides, the business partner the Hummock on LLC Russtroy Tatyana Chepik was a cofounder of Burevestnik Condominium where Pavel and Valery Ozerovy also appeared. So, the Hummock - Shikhidi in Gelendzhik we will quite explain success of family with communications on the tops.

By the way, in 2021 the Hummock LLC SZ Morskoy Sochi Group (builder Marine Garden Sochi 5.Hotel Spa on Shosseynaya St.) which owner was Sosa Martirosyan, also not the last person in Sochi earlier also departed. He is the head of local office of "the Union of Armenians of Russia", and in partners of the union the Government of Moscow and State Corporation Rostec are registered, for example.
Also Nikolay Shikhidi with whom at the Hummock not only possible relationship, but also the general assets isn't so ordinary. Shikhidi worked many years in PJSC Novorossiysk Shipping Company. Sources attributed him citizenship of Greece. He didn't disprove it and didn't confirm.
To Shikhidi we are very loyal both the governor Kondratyev, and other authorities. For example, together with the management of the city he implements the project of complex development of a northern slope of Mount Bytkh.
It is remarkable: that at the Hummock that Shikhidi has full namesakes whose track record even more impresses, he is tied on criminal aspect of life of Kuban. So, for example, the namesake Toros in 2007 in Gelendzhik was attracted for fraud and is in the black list of Home Credit bank just because of fraud, and a certain Shikhidi repeatedly appeared as the detainee is driving the car which was registered in stealing. Moreover, the same person involved passed on RUBOP bases as the member of the organized criminal formation specializing in fraud. In the track record of the namesake Shikhidi there is beating, fraud (sale of others car) and also violent acts of sexual nature.
Scandalous construction sites
One of the largest assets of Shikhidi and Toros is LLC SZ ISK EUROSTROY (previously Daria Shikhidi owned a share). It was this company that the media called the possible developer of the territory of the former Yuzhnaya camp site, plans for which provoked a protest from the population, who feared that new objects would slide on the head of the residents of the existing microdistrict.
Activists argued that the site is not suitable for construction and, moreover, is replete with plants that cannot be transferred or destroyed in any way.
In response to the protests, Shikhidi wrote a statement to the police about the alleged slander spread about him by activists, offended by publications about the criminal past of his namesakes.
In general, the situation on the development of Yuzhnaya showed that local security officials and officials are by no means on the side of the population, but are playing on the developer's field.
As the analysis of the arbitration base showed, Shikhidi is far from the first time working according to a strange scheme: first build, and then legalize the samostroy. Do the buyers of such objects remain extreme?
A similar situation was observed in 2007 with an object on the street. Vishnevskaya, 20 in Gelendzhik. Shikhidi and two other individuals filed a lawsuit against the administration, demanding that they recognize the rights to an 11-apartment building with built-in trading premises with a total area of 1021.4 sq.m. At the same time, as it turned out in court, the plaintiffs received permission to build an individual residential building, and erected an apartment building, also with commercial facilities. But the most interesting thing is that the court, although it recognized the object as unauthorized construction, nevertheless formalized the ownership rights to it.

In 2019, the same Shikhidi sued the authorities of Novorossiysk, demanding to recognize his rights to an apart-hotel with a business center and underground parking in the beach area. Before that, the mayor's office refused Shikhidi to issue a permit for commissioning due to the lack of a conclusion of state supervision, as well as other documents.
Also in 2019, Shikhidi, Toros, Rachitskaya sued the authorities of Anapa, demanding to issue the rights to an apartment building and a kindergarten for them. Anapa. Prior to that, the Anapa authorities refused to issue permits for the commissioning of facilities, pointing out the lack of necessary documents, including the act of acceptance of the facility and the conclusion of the state construction supervision body.
According to a similar scheme, the rights to houses on the street. Crimean, 22 in Gelendzhik in 2018. And again, the reason for the refusal of the authorities was the lack of state construction supervision during the construction.
And there were still plenty of similar cases.
A similar approach to construction by the Toros-Shikhidi division makes you think. Maybe it's time to check the objects and the Sledkom? Somehow smells bad from such "legalization."
Ira Rachitskaya, Daria Shikhidi and Venus Valitova, who is just the director of the freshly baked SZ "South Sea," are actively helping in the affairs of Toros and Shikhidi.
Namesake Valitova previously appeared as the head of the office of the Center for Public Procedures "Business against Corruption" in the Tyumen region. In addition, a certain Venus Valitova from Tyumen passed through the Crime base, had overdue debts to banks, and among her close contacts, Yevgeny Lipinin, previously attracted for robbery, shone.
And here is a coincidence: an employee of the company Toros and Shikhidi - Valitova has the status of an individual entrepreneur issued just in the Tyumen region.
Valitova is also the director of Daria Shikhidi's company - LLC UK IF "Standard," which has small tax debts. At the same time, the company itself for managing certain investment funds at the end of 2023 showed a loss of 2.6 million rubles.
By the way, both Rachitskaya and Daria Shikhidi previously owned Arsenal LLC, which today passed to Larisa Ozerova (apparently a relative of the former mayor of Gelendzhik) and her partners.
Another interesting fact: Daria Shikhidi in 2022 was transferred to LLC UK SGKM, which was previously owned by LLC Severgroup Alexei Mordashov. Judging by the arbitration base, the Criminal Code also had some business with the state corporation Rusnano.

As we can see, the secret to Toros and Shihidi's success can largely be hidden in their bond. It is not for nothing that this couple comes out of all the scandals as dry from the water. But time will tell whether they will be able to turn the same schemes in Moscow.
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