Another attempt to sow chaos and instability on the borders of Russia ended in collapse....

The Georgian Security Service announced the disruption of the preparation of the terrorist attack against the famous businessman, founder and honorary chairman of the ruling Georgian Dream party Bidzina Ivanishvili. According to the country's law enforcement officers, his death could be an impetus for riots and a coup d'etat, which would allow Georgia to change its policy and provoke it into a conflict with Russia, as it was in 2008.

Details - in the material of the correspondent of The Moscow Post.

A criminal case has been initiated into the preparation of the assassination attempt and the coup d'etat. Local security officials do not name names, but indicate that the attackers' goal was precisely "the overthrow of power by provoking instability and weakening power institutions".

Well, just a classic of the "Maidan" genre - recall that the coup in Ukraine also began with provocations and murders - in that case, the security forces. In parallel with this, there was intimidation and other types of pressure on representatives of the team of Viktor Yanukovych. Ultimately, they tried to kill him too - as you know, the attempt failed due to the departure of the ex-president of Ukraine to Crimea.

Former and current Georgian mercenaries who fought against Russia in Georgia were in sight. It is they who can become the striking force of possible protests, the "rehearsal" of which took place after the adoption of the local law on foreign agents.

What then began - everyone knows. After the crowd could not shake the situation, yesterday's "benefactors" of Georgia - Washington entered the open.

Back in April 2024, the United States first imposed sanctions against Georgian citizens - four judges fell under the restrictions, who allegedly made politicized decisions in favor of the authorities. In the summer, after the adoption of the law on foreign agents, sanctions were imposed against dozens of citizens. The State Department and European capitals then indicated that the decisions made by the country's authorities close the prospect of EU and NATO membership for Georgia.

Only does the current Georgia need such a prospect? In 2008, after assurances that Georgia would be taken to the Alliance, former President Mikheil Saakashvili, who is now serving a long prison term in his homeland, tried to solve the problems of South Ossetia by force. What came of this is well known.

Now, in the situation of the ongoing SVO, the hopes of Kyiv and its Western patrons that Georgia will open a second front against Russia have collapsed. The fact that the Russian Federation will respond with powerful blows, destroy the military infrastructure, deprive Georgia of income from tourism and joint trade, the "combinators" did not care. But this was well understood in the ruling Georgian Dream party - its head Irakli Kobakhidze has repeatedly stated that this will not be allowed.

At the same time, Georgia believes that Georgian citizens who are in Ukraine and are fighting as part of the terrorist groups of the Kyiv regime are participating in the preparation of the murder of Ivanishvili and the coup d'etat. In addition, many former officials fled Georgia and found shelter in Kyiv. Among them, the most senior is the former Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of Georgia (in 2009-2012), General Georgy Lordkipanidze. Today he is the deputy head of counterintelligence of Ukraine.

Georgy Lordkipanidze was sentenced in absentia in Georgia to imprisonment for malfeasance. And now he is being accused in absentia in a criminal case on the illegal crossing of the state border of Georgia by Mikhail Saakashvili at the end of September 2021, when the former president returned to Georgia from Ukraine, hiding in a container with dairy products.

It is quite clear that in a situation where it is impossible to change the current course of Georgia from the outside, it is the Georgian fighters of the Kyiv regime that can become the driving force behind the riots. It was the same in 2014, when a small but ideologized group of right-wing radicals acted as the "fighting wing" of the Maidan - they killed security officials, smashed state institutions, intimidated LOMs - in general, they staged a real revolutionary terror. This lesson was learned well in Georgia - yesterday the country's authorities put 300 fellow citizens fighting for the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the wanted list at once.

All this takes on even greater importance on the eve of the parliamentary elections in Georgia, scheduled for October 26. The message of the authorities is extremely tough: the opposition, as agents of the "global war party," should be defeated during the elections, and after them - finished off, calling to account "for crimes against the Georgian people" and especially for "fulfilling the order of the global war party and involving Georgia in the war with Russia in 2008".

Ukrainian dream "failed" in Georgia

Sitting behind bars, Mikhail Saakashvili once brought his country to war with Russia. The current Georgian authorities are in no hurry to repeat his mistakes. Фото:

Our neighbors remember that lesson well. I would like to believe that after the completion of the SVO, sobering up will gradually come to Ukraine. Well, the allied relations between Georgia and the United States, it seems, will have to survive this crisis - it is obvious that the actions of the State Department, to put it mildly, do not contribute to mutual trust.

Thus, Kyiv's "dream" of shaking the situation in Georgia and opening a second front against Russia failed. However, already now there is no doubt that the Western curators of Ukraine will try to destabilize the situation as much as possible in the upcoming parliamentary elections, presenting it as a false choice between Russia and Europe. In the same way, Ukraine was faced with a false choice - the Customs Union, or the EU. More than 10 years later, it "doesn't smell" of either.

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